2:56 PM

STRING 01: Lost in Limbo

In front of the computer, perusing the contents of my stalkee's Friendster and Blogger account, concluded that I haven't done my job well so I have to do better next time so as not to commit embarrassing mistakes. Munching on my second pack of cheese flavored crackers... Made CHEESIER! the foil pack screams.

Don't know what to do first despite the pile of schoolworks that lies ahead. Thought of writing a blog post before anything else, I have the whole night with me anyway. This is going to be another sleepless night, said my ever-nocturnal self. Until my inner GC-ness comes to the surface, no one's sure if I'll come up with the final requirements before the sun rises tomorrow. Lost in limbo.

Thursday had been a restless day - my group in PI and Campaigns had gone to Eusebio high school to help in the repacking of relief goods - and a sleepless night - I had been in online the entire evening, doing nothing. Mother and Father woke up past 4, scolded me for staying up til the wee hours of the morning, so I slept for an hour or so before going to school.